Modern and beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse in Residencial Tabora, Lomas de Cabo Roig.
This property has a large south facing terrace with open sea views. Bright and spacious living room and dining room with large sliding doors that open onto a patio with an awning. Kitchen with white goods and laundry room with access to the communal area at the back. A large bathroom with a walk-in shower and 1 bedroom with a double bed is on the main floor. Marble stairs lead down to the lower floor, which is used as a basement/storage room and has access to its own garage space. There are 2 double bedrooms and a family bathroom upstairs. There is a large south-facing balcony, accessible from the master bedroom and hallway, with spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea. The complex is gated and has landscaped gardens with a large communal swimming pool. A 5 minute walk to a wide range of bars, restaurants and supermarkets. The shopping center, La Zenia Boulevard, is close by. Only 5 minutes drive from the sandy beaches of Playa Glea, which has a wide variety of restaurants, a marina and boardwalks along the sea.
This property has a full solar system throughout.
Contact us for more information and inspection.
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